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Nytt år, nya möjligheter...

New year, new opportunities...

A year goes by incredibly fast, I thought it felt like a week between the time the Christmas tree went in 2023 and 2024. Now it has also gone out again at a great speed.
But still, think about how much has happened between the two Christmas Eves. More than in many years. 2024 was the year when HYLTARP SWEDEN was born and I got the most fun job in the world. Imagine getting to work with horse-related products during working hours and then being with the horses the rest of the time. So much horse and it feels so right.

That was the old, now it's time for the new. Here comes 2025, when you write it it feels like a futuristic movie on Netflix. If you were born in the 60s, 2025 actually feels dizzyingly far into the future.
Anyway, this year everything is going to happen, the energy is at its peak and everything is just possibilities. For us at Hyltarp, first a trip to Kanpur awaits to discuss next winter's news, then it's off to the Gothenburg Horse Show and shortly after that Herning in Denmark awaits. Mixed in with these big events, I will try to catch up with both my own competitions and competitions where we at Hyltarp are sponsors. We want as many people as possible to have the opportunity to compete for our nice fleece blanket.

The hardest thing, when there is so much you want, is of course to manage everything and not to compromise on the quality of what you do. Prioritizing sometimes feels hard and the choices difficult when you have to choose.
For me, balancing family, horses and work is challenging. Just like for most people, I wish there were more hours in the day, and preferably bright ones.

My promise for 2025 is called MICROPAUSES. I want to be able to stop, slow down, breathe and just shut everything out. Small breaks that can not only give new energy when needed but also create opportunities for reflection so that I stop doing the same job twice, which happens all too often. That way I have a lot more time for everything I want to do…..