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That is happiness

A horse probably thrives best without a rug. The happiness of rolling around in straw, shavings, grass or why not in some lovely mud. But then various external factors come and interfere. Flies that swarm, rain that pours down, snow that swirls in the wind or sun that makes the fur itch.

I have always thought that my horses should be naked as much as possible when spring and summer come. Get to roll around in the grass and enjoy air in the fur as we enjoy air under our bare arms. Nothing is as beautiful as horses grazing side by side on green meadows under a blue sky. A treat for the eye and the soul.
Then there was that thing with aviation fans. Being able to roam and graze relaxed in the pasture in summer sometimes requires clothing. Both on the body and on the head. Because the peaceful grazing can quickly be changed to escape from brakes, flies, gnats and the like. Then it's just a matter of hoping that the friends in the garden don't undress each other when the holidays create a bit of boredom...

When summer is over and autumn is creeping in, I love to dress my horses in clean, nice rugs. As nice a feeling as it was to take off the rugs in the spring, it feels just as good, for me, to be able to put them on for autumn and winter. Not all horses need blankets inside the stable, but my horses are clipped and trained. They get blankets adapted to the temperature we have in the stable.
I prefer to keep stable doors and windows open as long as possible, before freezing temperatures make it impossible, and rather put a warmer blanket on them if necessary.
It's like I want to give them the same feeling of well-being that I feel when I crawl under a warm and cozy blanket in a cool room.

That feeling of walking in the stable aisle on a late November evening, the horses chewing their hay, and in the light of the lights I see them standing there in their pajamas. That is happiness.